Square meter rates for home extensions and renovations

Here’s a critical tip you need to understand prior to renovating and its a question we are asked all the time..

Whats your square meter rate?

The answer to this question is, there’s no such thing. If you sign a contract with a builder that gives you a square meter rate for your renovation then expect to pay a lot more!!

Let me explain why… there’s not a huge difference between the profit margin from builder to builder so why are the prices so different?

Inclusions! Inclusions! Inclusions!!!! Here’s an example, the Housing Industry Association’s latest report showed the average kitchen cost for 2015-2016 is $22,500.00. In all building contracts the kitchen is an allowance only so if your builder has allowed $8,000.00 then your very likely to pay more for the kitchen you want.

This is the same for these allowances = tiles, basin taps, bath taps, vanities, basins, shower taps, shower heads etc. etc. etc.

Check your allowances because these are tricks builder use to sign building contracts. Ask a few questions prior to signing a building contract with the lowest price because in most cases, they are the most dishonest and you will end up paying more.